Why Do People Love Dolphins?

Why Do People Love Dolphins?

Why Do People Love Dolphins?

The friendliness of dolphins has made them one of the most popular animals in the world. I'm sure you've heard it before, but did you know that dolphins are some of the friendliest creatures in the sea? It's true, too. Dolphins have been observed being playful and interested in people, going out of their way to interact with and amuse humans who have come upon them while in the water. This is what makes them such popular animals to watch while on vacation. However, there are other reasons why people love dolphins so much that don't necessarily relate to their friendliness. Let's take a look at the reasons why humans fall in love with these beautiful marine mammals!

Personality. Dolphins are intelligent and playful creatures. They are known to 'porpoise' around boats by diving in and out of the water. Bottlenose dolphins are also very endearing.

Abilities. Dolphins, as you may or may not know, can use sounds to locate prey. This amazing hunting technique is known as 'echolocation,' and it is used by bats, whales, and other animals that can't see their prey in the dark or need to sense it from a distance. Dolphins are also good swimmers, with an average cruising speed of 8-10mph. When preparing to jump, they can swim for a short period of time at around 17mph, They can also jump 15 feet above the water.

They Aid in the Rescue of Other Species. Dolphins have been known to assist humans in the high seas, and they will sometimes go out of their way to assist other aquatic species as well